Atreya Dey

Ph.D. Candidate in Financial Technology

University of Edinburgh Business School


My CV is available here.

I am a PhD candidate in the Accounting and Finance group at the University of Edinburgh Business School and I am on the 2024-2025 job market. My research focuses on how changing climate patterns and biodiversity loss impact financial markets and corporate dynamics, with a particular interest in applying geospatial climate and environmental data. I was a visiting scholar at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University for the Fall 2024 semester.

I will be attending the Baruch/Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Climate Finance Conference in NY in March. 

Before my starting my PhD, I spent time as an economist at Moody's Analytics in Philadelphia and London. There, I developed retail stress testing models at the vintage, loan, and pool level for several large U.S. banks submitting to the Federal Reserve’s CCAR and DFAST programs for regulatory compliance. 

Research Interests


Awards and Recognition